Democrats in California have wasted no time after the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is legal in all states to introduce legislation that takes everything to the next level.
California governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill replacing words ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ within state law with the word “spouse” to accommodate same-sex marriage.
I now pronounce you spouse and spouse?
Middle English husbonde, from Old English hūsbonda master of a house, from Old Norse hūsbōndi, from hūs house + bōndi householder; akin to Old Norse būa to inhabit; akin to Old English būan to dwell — more at bower
First Use: 13th century
Middle English wif, from Old English wīf; akin to Old High German wīb wife and probably to Tocharian B kwīpe female pudenda
First Use: before 12th century
Blow off
IDIOTS. Ban the word democrat, liberal, progressive
This whole gay marriage and now removing husband and wife and schools no longer using the term boy or girl for the fear of insulting transgender students. This is all an effort to destroy families destroy what’s ethical moral and natural. Society has been fed this enormous lie that in the name of love we should accept gays when we all know in our conscience that it’s unnatural and it’s wrong. God and nature never intended 2 men or 2 women to procreate and raise a family. Yet so many people applaud it in the name of political correctness that it’s disgusting. The absolute breakdown of family and society is alive and well.
The Democrats are being like their mascot more and more !
democrats have don’t all they can to end marriage…so it is no surprise they don’t want any evidence of traditional, Biblical marriage to exist
Stupid just like the people trying to change it!
Please flag me this is not true. On second thought maybe it will $#%&!@*ure the demoNcrats lose.
They are Godless