The Democrats are attacking the Constitution in Georgia’s House of Representatives with the introduction of a bill that would ban “assault weapons” and make allowances for the seizure of those weapons and “high capacity” magazines.
This bill happens to be the first which would purposefully open the window for confiscation, not just control. Why Democrats thought this would be a good move to make in a Southern state is inexplicable, as Georgia has a long history of supporting gun rights on state and federal levels?
State Democrats also said in a tweet that “assault weapons are not necessary for deer hunting.” There is more than one reason to own a gun, but to expect state Republicans or private citizens to justify their Consitutional hobbies is simply insulting.
Read more about the bill on page 2.
This administration is GOING to push harder than ever before for this . This time is history we have the most liberals in office that can finally push their agenda through . Obama never wanted to make this country better , he wanted to change it . He told you he wanted to change it . They believe socialism would help the United States , they believe if we didn’t have the worlds most powerful military people wouldn’t hate us . They are ALL traitors to the oath they took and should be removed . History will show our lifetimes as a weak time period . The push for liberal views , push for gays , first black president , first woman president . They have done more destruction than the average person even knows . Our lifetime will be the period where America fights itself on our lands . There will be a revolution in United States in the next few years UNLESS we change the direction from this crazy oath were on . Most men in my family have been military more so then college . Blue collar workers and soldiers who are the bake bone of this nation . We were left a gift and a birth right in our freedoms . We will be first generation in over 200 years to pass our children a country worse off than we received it ! Let that sink in . It’s embarrassing and pathetic yet so many Americans keep voting for these politicians who are only self serving and violating our constitutional rights rights daily
Just try
No way! Stand up against tyranny!
As soon as they start if every gun owner doesn’t declare a vow of solidarity and stand arm to arm side by side and dare the first moron who voted this in to try to take any weapon away. It was the king of england s last order to unarm the colonies that was the last straw and that was the start of war.
Why do you think they want you to register your guns !!! Then they no exactly where you live !!!
Totally against the 2 ND, unconstitutional period!
Don’t give up not one gun, if this happens we need to fight
It’s all of them, the whole government needs replaced
Just give me an explanation of “assault weapon” if I stab someone isn’t that an “assault knife” please you idiots just want to take away our right to arm ourselves against the tyranny of this present administration
a bunch of guns just got stolen