Georgia state Democrats have introduced a bill in the House that would ban and confiscate “assault weapons.”
The bill–HB 731–is sponsored by Mary Margaret Oliver (D-83rd), Stacey Abrams (D-89th), Carolyn Hugley (D-136th), Pat Gardiner (D-57th), Dar’shun Kendrick (D-93rd), Dee Dawkins-Haigler (D-91st).
According to the text of HB 731, the bill focuses on ” dangerous instrumentalities and practices” by prohibiting the “possession, sale, transport, distribution, or use of certain assault weapons, large capacity magazines, armor-piercing bullets, and incendiary .50 caliber bullets.” Moreover, the details punishment for crimes involving “the possession, sale, transport, distribution, or use of certain assault weapons, large capacity magazines, armor-piercing bullets, and incendiary .50 caliber bullets.”
It also “[designates] certain weaponry and ammunition as contraband and [requires] seizure of such by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.”
Source: Breitbart
You read that right. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, rather than focusing on murder or rape, will be deputized into the foolish crusade to reinforce the shredding of the Second Amendment. The bill is unlikely to pass muster, but the move by state Democrats is calculated to draw support and galvanize interest for Georgia Democrats in the upcoming November elections. It will do the same for Georgia RINOs, too. These lunatics need to be taken out of office.
will be found when we get a new president
a bunch of guns just got stolen
RETIRED BLACK LIVES MATTER! Social Security recipients, retired veterans, and the disabled on pensions have lost over 20% in income valuation and savings since the Federal Reserve began devaluing the US dollar last fall and yet these Americans make up nearly 24% of the voting population. There are more women then men receiving social security and they live longer. This article is about the current monetary policy of the Obama Administration. It is strongly endorsed by Hillary Clinton and every Democrat currently running for office. It is harming millions of our seniors, our children, our mothers and our fathers…and in the most cases our grandparents and the disabled.
The Federal Reserve appears to be involved in what some consider a criminal conspiracy to devalue the U.S. dollar just after receiving over 2.4 trillion in Federal Income taxes this year. There is no plausible reason the FED is not attempting to increase the dollar valuation since the money Americans paid in taxes is now losing billions in value each and every day they fail to raise the U.S. interest rate. Their reasoning is to impel U.S. citizens to spent their hard earned money and not to place it in savings. It also allows for foreign governments to take our currency out of the United States and hold until they do decide to raise interest rates.
Japan, Russia, China, India, and the European Union are all involved in this conspiracy to devalue currencies around the world. Russia and China in particular have their currencies valued against gold, silver and other metals commodities. The valuation on these commodities has now reached a point where these countries will be flooding the entire market with real gold as it nears a record high valuation. The bad news is Democrats could care less about those who receive social security. People worry more about the post then they do the millions of dollars being stolen from the elderly by the FED’s policy.
The FED is now justifying printing billions in new currency by placing the picture of Harriet Tubman on the $20.00 dollar bill. There is no intention of removing the Andrew Jackson $20.00 currency from circulation. It is impossible to remove it since vast amounts of our currency is being held by foreign governments. In appeasing the black population, the FED has now justified further devaluation of the dollars value. There are changes being made to the $5.00 bill and the $10 dollar bill with other women and civil rights leaders. Again, this action is designed to add currency into a system already flooded with devalued currency with no intention of removing any existing currency from circulation. The result will be another major series of corporate funding and dollar devaluation. As honorable as it may be, without removing existing currency from circulation, all that will occur is costs on all goods and services will rise, and your incomes and savings will be even further devalued.
Or we could look at it another way. Tax payers payed in 2.4 trillion to the government on April 15. The value of the dollar has gone down over 20% since last fall. That’s about a loss of 4.8 billion in the taxes we just paid the government. Great FED policy. The Chinese, Russians and other governments swap GOLD at its highest valuation for our cheap US dollar which they use to repair their economies. During this swapping process, our senior citizens, veterans and disabled are being made poorer. Foreign governments are purchasing our weak discounted cheap U.S. currency in collusion with the U.S. Federal Reserve. Soon they will flood the entire commodity market with so much gold and silver that the current level of commodity prices will crash intentionally world-wide. The result of this FED monetary manipulation will be massive corporate and bank profits minorities & senior citizens, veterans, pensioners, and people living on fixed incomes will have less money and even lower savings.
Our FED has explicitly during policy briefings stated they want Americans spending their money and NOT placing it into savings. It is cheaper for our corporations to leave the U.S. and set up businesses elsewhere then to remain in our own country. When they raised the interest rate last fall, it was decided not to give social security recipients a cost of living increase. This was due to the fact they intended to raise the interest rate up to 4X in 2016. Raising the rates would have justified the loss of a cost of living increase for those on social security. Instead, they have done everything in their power to devalue the US dollar against foreign currencies. They have done nothing but hurt those receiving social security and the savings not only retirees but every U.S. Citizen.
Talk to every senior citizen living on social security, they are living under extreme financial distress. They live on a fixed income and this devaluation of the dollar is severely hurting our most vulnerable senior citizens. This is the current administration policy to devalue the dollar in order to prop up foreign currencies.The savings rate at each and every bank in this country for U. S. citizens is at an all time low. The FED is supposed to protect American dollar valuation instead of devaluing it. There should be a law requiring a base rate of 4% interest when you put your money into savings.
However, with the FED intentionally devaluing our currency rate, it means the 2.4 trillion in taxes U.S. citizens paid this year is now losing billions in valuation each day. Our currency is being stolen and taken out of this country by foreign governments through commodity swaps. Your taxes can only go up with this present monetary policy, your savings can only decrease in valuation, and your 401k’s and IRA’s will lose substantial value as long as the FED intentionally holds off raising the U.S. Interest Rates.
Each an every voting member of the FED should be fired and investigated. Their conversations and transcripts with other foreign banking systems should be made public and used to investigate them of this intentional devaluation of our currency that Congress has mandated they protect. The current U.S. Dollar devaluation only serves to harm American citizens, American businesses, and weakens our government. Using our taxes to leverage our currency weaker should be a Federal crime. Until our government and Congress mandate that the FED protect our currency valuation, we can all only expect higher taxes, lower valuations to our savings, and greater control of our government by foreign countries and multi-billionaire corporations. They are the only entities benefiting from this monetary policy.
The Obama Administration is currently the weakest U.S. Administration our country has had since the Great Depression if not earlier. Hillary Clinton and Democrats will continue harming our country, it’s reputation, our way of life and our most vulnerable citizens…seniors, veterans and the disabled. Our dollar valuation against other currencies is at it’s weakest in the past few decades. Our military by comparison is at it’s weakest ever. Our foreign policy is the worst policy I can remember in our lifetime. Businesses are leaving our country in droves. High paying job creation is non-existent. Our current FED monetary policy is designed to help the currency of every country other then our own. To give a COLA now…they would have to give 7 years of increases at a rate of 3% all at once just to get back to where the dollar value was when they denied seniors the SS COLA.