For years, liberal politicians have attempted to grow the power of government while quietly taking rights away from everyday Americans. In their latest power grab, residents in Colorado are now being told that they don’t even have the right to store rainwater that lands on their property.
That’s right. The same party that thinks that sex-change operations and taxpayer-funded abortions are fundamental rights thinks that water is not.
Their goal is simple. By stripping away fundamental resources and transferring them to the government, the Democratic party intends to make a populace so reliant on big government, that citizens have no choice but to submit themselves to its demands.
Of course, there is no law saying that storing rainwater is illegal — that would be absurd — but that hasn’t stopped Democrats in Colorado from claiming the water is theirs, anyway. The law, it seems, only matters when it benefits government. When it gets in the government’s way, it can simply be ignored.
See how the Republicans are fighting back against this ludicrous assertion on the next page:
Say no to the clinton crime family
That is asinine.
What are the dumocats. Going to do with it!!!
It’s because they try and poison us with tap water so they get pissed when people want to catch rain water since it’s better for you. Hence its not being poisoned as much
Well, what are they waiting for? Commifornia’s still there.
Such B******t!
You only have land deeds ONLY GOD OWNS RAIN AND AIR
only God own the rain so the democrats cannot tell anyone what they can do on their own property, leave these people alone.
All statue’s passed by Senate’s or congress that are against constitutional law are null and void in the court of law. Learn your rights that back your freedom stand together and stand strong