The Democrats are so desperate for evidence that proves collusion between Russia and Donald Trump they’re now willing to risk national security in order to facilitate their witchhunt.
Maybe, if evidence of collusion actually existed, the Democrat’s constant calls for investigation would be warranted. But not only has no smoking gun been uncovered, nothing that even suggests collusion has ever been found. This is a theory based solely on the hopes and dreams of the Democrat party. When they’re confronted with the fact that they’ve produced no proof, they say that just means they’ve got to look harder.
This week, Senate Democrats revealed how they plan to move forward with their so-called “investigation” — they want a transcript of Trump’s recent meeting with Russian officials.
See why H. R. McMaster thinks that’s a terrible idea on the next page:
All Americans should be concerned and wounder why democrats don’t put America first
Screw off UPchuck
You get nothing now! you cried you wanted a special investigation. You get a report now. Be prepared to cry some more Chucky
Leo Zimmerman is da man…
The DemoRATS and Libtards wanted a puppet in office with their hand up it’s A$$! It did not happen and they are pissed! Their grand plan for a one world order has been crushed! They will stop at nothing to change that!
Wait till they dig into Hillary’s pile
Just like they did when Barry was accidently recorded giving Putin a$#%&!@*
written by who?
Keep your eyes on what we are doing with obama, and hillary. This is what they are doing trying to get everyone looking the other way.
Filthy lying democrats….