The Republican outrage surrounding the Obama administration’s massive payments to Iran is well documented. As it turns out, several in-the-know Democrats aren’t very pleased with the deal either.
In this case, “in-the-know” isn’t entirely accurate. Sure, the Democrats were briefed on the payments and thought they were “in-the-know,” but several are claiming the administration left out key details in their reports.
Chief among the concerns is the undisclosed way in which the payments would be made. These allegations come as reports claim that the payments totaled billions more than previously thought and allegations of ransom.
It seems the Obama administration must be having a hard time wooing even Democrats in congress. Why else would they lie — or at least leave out the truth — about the deals they’ve struck with foreign governments?
See how the Obama administration misled congressional democrats in the report on the next page:
Wake the$#%&!@*up, stupid! Obama has never told the truth!!
Why aren’t the congress and Senate reading these papers before they pass it ? Are they not paid to be in formed about everything they pass ? Seems like they went brain dead before they passed Obuma care.
The whole democratic party has become liars and thief’s for the good of people who hate our nation, any thing the traitor fomr the Viet Nam war era John Kerry is into is a scam and not to be truted with any thing he isn’t working for we the people at all in any way, and hasn’t since he was in Viet Nam with Jane Fonda/He is a man of no good in him and we are just plain stupid for allowing him in politics at all.
America Knows The Administration, DOJ & FBI Are Corrupt When It Comes To Hillary, Her Emails & Her Foundation. So We Will Have To Prosecute Her On Nov.8th With A Guilty Vote For Trump/Pence!
Democratic Failed Leadership Has Been Destroying Our Country, States, Cities & Citizens For Decades. So What Do You Have To Lose Supporting & Giving An Outsider The Opportunity To Make Our Country, States, Cities & Citizens Safer, Improving Our Schools For Our Children, Creating Good Jobs & Bringing Business Back To Our Country & Your Neighborhoods?
Please Vote Trump/Pence Nov.8th Lets MAGA!
Now their trying to play innocent now that they’ve been caught
And they are unhappy?
That make him a liar so now what
Let’s kiss his ass
Complaining about their own corruption. They are a group of liars and cretins.
Oh really? You people should know by now that all he does is lie to get what he wants. Arrest this man now for TREASON!!!
Why should they feel special? They lied to everyone.