Democrats are nothing but fraud to commit fraud day in and day out sit around figuring out how they could commit fraud and get away with it that’s what they did whenever they voted for Obama says Obama did not win the vote fair and square cheater!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can tell a lot about folks by who their heroes are. democRats are disgusting.
Pathetic and illegal, but that is what liberals stand for. They do not know the meaning of illegal.
Thats how they win
They’ve been committing fraud for years. This isn’t new
Democrats are nothing but fraud to commit fraud day in and day out sit around figuring out how they could commit fraud and get away with it that’s what they did whenever they voted for Obama says Obama did not win the vote fair and square cheater!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is very disturbing.
Well how do you think people who died in the Civil war voted for Obama in Illinois?
That’s how Obama got re elected
That’s how the liberals win
By all means necessary
Steal elections
anyone caught committing fraud when voting they should be sent to prison immediately, and the person that condones it along with them.