Of course they do. Many democrats are closet communists. They are mainly atheist, and prefer to worship at the altar of government rather than God. They believe the end justifies the means…..just like the communists….lie, steal, cheat….its all good to them.
Put her pic on demo voter posters
they are all high on pot
New voter id laws are fraud.
Remove all Democats from the polling stations.
I wonder what it’s like to have no honor… I don’t know how these people can even sleep at night.
Anymore people in general are untrustworthy! It’s sad but true.
What more can you ask for from the”Sewer-Party”…???
Throw them all in jail.
Of course they do. Many democrats are closet communists. They are mainly atheist, and prefer to worship at the altar of government rather than God. They believe the end justifies the means…..just like the communists….lie, steal, cheat….its all good to them.