Voter fraud has been going on in Illinoisfor decades look how many politicians Illinois has in jail money and power. And the United States will be in worse condition with Hillary and her pervert husband back in the Whitehouse. God help America. We need all the help America can get. A wonderful country destroyed by the politicians
There is no voter fraud in Texas. You have to be registered to vote in Texas and we have had voter ID laws for a long time, and all voter have to vote according to their precincts in which they reside. We sign off by our names on the registered voter list before we cast our ballot to vote.
Colorado had votes 140% over the count of the population during the 2012 Presidential election. New Mexico had people crossing the border to vote in our election. Florida, had massive amounts of voter fraud as well as many other states in our nation. Obama by no means won the last election and why that election was not contested I will never know.
Big surprise.
Voter fraud has been going on in Illinoisfor decades look how many politicians Illinois has in jail money and power. And the United States will be in worse condition with Hillary and her pervert husband back in the Whitehouse. God help America. We need all the help America can get. A wonderful country destroyed by the politicians
JAIL! Now or we can play that two ways !
A democrat would get away with, just look how corrupt democrats are.
Of course they do, they encourage illegals to vote also.
They’re just throwing away our government to the Liberals like Obama. Next step – Obama for Emporer.
to stupid an evil to be american deport libs
There is no voter fraud in Texas. You have to be registered to vote in Texas and we have had voter ID laws for a long time, and all voter have to vote according to their precincts in which they reside. We sign off by our names on the registered voter list before we cast our ballot to vote.
Colorado had votes 140% over the count of the population during the 2012 Presidential election. New Mexico had people crossing the border to vote in our election. Florida, had massive amounts of voter fraud as well as many other states in our nation. Obama by no means won the last election and why that election was not contested I will never know.
Deport them soon…..