This is there way of life . They as a political party have become the most vial corrupt group on the plaint. , bar none . They have brought our country to the brink of financial collapse and moral demise . Continuing on our current path we will witness the fall of the American government the same as the collapse of Rome .
The United States will be completely destroyed and it only took eight years thanks to Obama and the Washington politicians power and money makes a I don’t care about the voters. Politician
Nothing new here Dems have been cheating every since the party was founded.
This is there way of life . They as a political party have become the most vial corrupt group on the plaint. , bar none . They have brought our country to the brink of financial collapse and moral demise . Continuing on our current path we will witness the fall of the American government the same as the collapse of Rome .
The United States will be completely destroyed and it only took eight years thanks to Obama and the Washington politicians power and money makes a I don’t care about the voters. Politician
This is a very good way to start another civil war.
why aren’t they in jail?
Arrest the scum.
Of course they do it’s the only way they can win
Fraud is why he is still in the WH, you don’t think he won legitimately do you
Figures another left wing nut.