How Stupid Is That. Only dividing country more. I have never been democrat just a middle class taxpayer. Tired of giving every thing I make away to illegals, muslims, and Americans to sorry to work
Wait people are against cheeting? What genius realized that voter fraud is wrong? The question is why have we allowed them to get away with it for so long
why aren’t they in jail?
Maybe the voter age is far to young now. I see this a lack of ethics in a generational problem more than a conservative versus the liberals.
What do you expect from doper Colorado? GD
How Stupid Is That. Only dividing country more. I have never been democrat just a middle class taxpayer. Tired of giving every thing I make away to illegals, muslims, and Americans to sorry to work
vote republican Nov.4th
What do you expect from the lying democrat party and their supporters. This is not what we need in government from any party.
LMAO!! It’s been a FRAUD for years and years!! NOW they admit it???
Their whole party should be shut down
Wait people are against cheeting? What genius realized that voter fraud is wrong? The question is why have we allowed them to get away with it for so long