It really reveals the character of these people. In the long term the deceitful game these people play will hurt all of us including them that perpetrate this crime.
The liberal / socialist / democrats (LSD) will always find a way to steal an election because they know full well that nothing about them is legitimate and they cannot win without cheating…
Democrat voter fraud in the high tech age. Stealing elections at lightning speed. “Vote early. You can only vote once. This ain’t Chicago.” — The President of the United States of America, Obama.
It really reveals the character of these people. In the long term the deceitful game these people play will hurt all of us including them that perpetrate this crime.
They have absolutely no morals! 🙁
They are all childish, immature, lying communist!!
I never thought about that. STOP THIS FRAUD NOW!!!!
It is really bad when you have to cheat to win…….it’s in their genes….they lie….they cheat….they steal….. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!!
Voter fraud has been taking place for years. This is taking it to a whole new level when there’s actual proof and no prosecution happening.
The liberal / socialist / democrats (LSD) will always find a way to steal an election because they know full well that nothing about them is legitimate and they cannot win without cheating…
Democrat voter fraud in the high tech age. Stealing elections at lightning speed. “Vote early. You can only vote once. This ain’t Chicago.” — The President of the United States of America, Obama.
Only way they can win.
My shocked face….