I have been asking the question, how do you verify the person who sends in a mail in ballot? It seems to me we are asking for trouble doing this. It almost seems like we are trying to ruin the process and therefore the result is skewed. People will say that it makes it more convenient. What a crock. How much do you love your country. If you are an able bodied person then get off your butt and go to the polls. 🙂
Where do you suppose these people have their ideas fertilized?
She has the right LAST NAME……HICK!!!!!!!!!!
they all belong in jail……………….jan
Probably had a good part in our current President being elected!
She is dumber than the dirt the weed grows in!!! No her last name is you give weed a bad name!!
I have been asking the question, how do you verify the person who sends in a mail in ballot? It seems to me we are asking for trouble doing this. It almost seems like we are trying to ruin the process and therefore the result is skewed. People will say that it makes it more convenient. What a crock. How much do you love your country. If you are an able bodied person then get off your butt and go to the polls. 🙂
Americans arent going to fight Muslims
Any gonna be prosecuted????? Or just slapped on the wrist because it is ok if theres no punishment.
What I’m talking bout. Here it is folks