Taiko, there are crooks everywhere. But I’m old enough to remember when LBJ won his first election to public office by having voting boxes stuffed, much like they are talking about here, and having the Democrat poll watchers conveniently “lose” whole boxes of votes in Republican counties. Paper ballots, given out with picture ID, verified by voter registration, filled out in the voting area turned in to poll watchers from all parties might cut down on voter fraud. There are voting machines, already, that will not allow any votes but Democrat. What ever name you vote for is changed to a vote for a Democrat!
Any proven voter fraud should require 5 years in jail.
Jerre Miller is right…voter fraud is a federal offense. It robs the voters of a clean election. Anyone engaging in urging voter fraud and ballot box stuffers can be charged with Conspiracy to Commit Voter Fraud and spend a long time making little rocks by breaking big rocks with a sledge hammer at Ft. Leavenworth.
Taiko, there are crooks everywhere. But I’m old enough to remember when LBJ won his first election to public office by having voting boxes stuffed, much like they are talking about here, and having the Democrat poll watchers conveniently “lose” whole boxes of votes in Republican counties. Paper ballots, given out with picture ID, verified by voter registration, filled out in the voting area turned in to poll watchers from all parties might cut down on voter fraud. There are voting machines, already, that will not allow any votes but Democrat. What ever name you vote for is changed to a vote for a Democrat!
Any proven voter fraud should require 5 years in jail.
Stupidity run rampant!
Throw this lying liberal Bitch in jail !!!
Jerre Miller is right…voter fraud is a federal offense. It robs the voters of a clean election. Anyone engaging in urging voter fraud and ballot box stuffers can be charged with Conspiracy to Commit Voter Fraud and spend a long time making little rocks by breaking big rocks with a sledge hammer at Ft. Leavenworth.
Young voters don’t know what the hell they’re doing, but we’ll all pay the price.
HMMMM nice to know people.
Publitical Correctness should be tossed in the dumpster and I am mad as hell that people like her are destroying our country
No more voting for liberals = democrats openly condone voter fraud = equals = stupid= dumb and dumber
another pre election video to stir the masses