Democrats In Colorado Openly Condone Voter Fraud Watch all the nice little liberals condone committing a felony: voter fraud. Liberalism, ideas so good they need to be enforced with draconian laws and warrant the commission of felonies. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Share 1,361 Comments « Older Comments Newer Comments » Jerry Abramson It’s a felony but can’t say I’ve known of any one in the last 6 years who have admitted to voter fraud be arrested charged and jailed for this felony. Reply Dennis Brand Put their buts in jail with a felony conviction on their records. See how that would set with them Reply Jim Hathorne They are all pretty much crooks, save a few. The vote is what crook do you want in office to screw you Democrat or Republican? Reply Chuck Fau little kids can’t win anything fairly……………………… Reply Paul Gulbransen As I have said before -No principles you lose all respect! Reply Jimmie G Walker Stupid is as Stupid Does Reply Jerre Miller Voter fraud is federal offense. Put her happy backside in jail. Reply Sylvia L Forbis cheaters are losers anyway, and they know it ..Hope it comes back to bite in the ass.. Reply Randy Nabors This is Obama’s militia people they are out to kill, be carefull Reply Donald Barnett jail time !! Reply « Older Comments Newer Comments » Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
It’s a felony but can’t say I’ve known of any one in the last 6 years who have admitted to voter fraud be arrested charged and jailed for this felony.
Put their buts in jail with a felony conviction on their records. See how that would set with them
They are all pretty much crooks, save a few. The vote is what crook do you want in office to screw you Democrat or Republican?
little kids can’t win anything fairly………………………
As I have said before -No principles you lose all respect!
Stupid is as Stupid Does
Voter fraud is federal offense. Put her happy backside in jail.
cheaters are losers anyway, and they know it ..Hope it comes back to bite in the ass..
This is Obama’s militia people they are out to kill, be carefull
jail time !!