If you have to cheet to win, you did not win the popular vote, and you should not be in office. YOUR A FRUAD. Aparently you know that you are being rejected by the majority,who do not want you or your plans. And you havent grown up enough to face it. I hope somone enforces the law and the cheeters go to prison!!
Well, at least they ADMIT it in Colorado, unlike Dems throughout the rest of the country who support voter fraud .
Morons, it’s against the law.
all people who vote knowing it is fraud need to be shot. that would stop the BS
If you have to cheet to win, you did not win the popular vote, and you should not be in office. YOUR A FRUAD. Aparently you know that you are being rejected by the majority,who do not want you or your plans. And you havent grown up enough to face it. I hope somone enforces the law and the cheeters go to prison!!
Voter ID”s b
Hell they’re all smoking weed.
They just learned how Chicago does it. If Republicans did this, .Dems would be screaming from the rooftops.
Well sure they dio that’s how the clown that’s in office got in, in the first place.
Tired of posting these political jabs but can’t let some slide!!!