What Obama says when the teleprompter is off can be very revealing. At the end of last year in Chicago the President fully admitted to breaking the law by totally circumventing the fundamental structure of separation of powers underpinning our nation.
Obama lied when he stated during his immigration speech that he wasn’t changing the law and that he was working within the limits of his office.
Watch as he completely contradicts himself, unintentionally revealing the truth:
How many countries are being flooded and bankrupted by illegals with the blessing of the government. I hope we get a new president who will do a 100% better job
No honor among thieves unless they are Dems.
When is a law broken A-OK thing to be broken when it’s broken by a DemocRAT~ they are a special breed of traitor to America
Hes always breaking the law and his wife hates being first lady what a disgrace to america they need to leave the white house now
James Kent…give up…they only believe what fox news tells them to believe…. This was put to bed a long time ago…
Hang this bastard
prison for him
Tony, we also know Obama is bi sexual. Are you hoping he see this so you two can get together? The real sad fact is, Obama is George Bush on steriods. He hasn’t undone any of Bushes policies, he just doubled down on them. NSA, Drone strikes and allowing the 1% to become wealthier under his term. Just to name a few. So keep drinking the Kool aid.
time to lock the traitor up