What Obama says when the teleprompter is off can be very revealing. At the end of last year in Chicago the President fully admitted to breaking the law by totally circumventing the fundamental structure of separation of powers underpinning our nation.
Obama lied when he stated during his immigration speech that he wasn’t changing the law and that he was working within the limits of his office.
Watch as he completely contradicts himself, unintentionally revealing the truth:
Idiots bombing and killing and all he’s good for is more of the same bull&$&%‰,,so glad he’s about out of the gov, maybe we can fix what he has so feverishly tried to bring down,,,,,he is a traitor………
We could only hope
Too bad
That’s the truth
While I don’t care for everything he’s done, Obama will be looked upon very favorably by history, no matter what either of us says or thinks.
He is bi racial,not black.
Successful brainwashing.
his fans don’t even listen to his words…I mean really applaud when he admits to breaking the law….these people are really a special kind of stupid.
Fucking worthless$#%&!@* I hate that mother fucker more then anything
Tony Furlan Obama is not and never has been a professor of constitutional law. Investigate it yourself. He has a questionable degree in said subject and will not reveal his grades nor the financing that got him there. He never taught anything other than how to community organize using Alinsky tactics and how to subvert the constitution rather than uphold it. The only “sheeple” I see here is you…