What Obama says when the teleprompter is off can be very revealing. At the end of last year in Chicago the President fully admitted to breaking the law by totally circumventing the fundamental structure of separation of powers underpinning our nation.
Obama lied when he stated during his immigration speech that he wasn’t changing the law and that he was working within the limits of his office.
Watch as he completely contradicts himself, unintentionally revealing the truth:
Well they voted him in and he’s a Moslem and racist.
I agree Kathy, there are still some ‘Old School’ Democrats out there that have conservative views and many have switched to either Republican or Independant.
The ‘One World Order.’
The thing is, Christianity has declined at an astonishing rate in this country. People of other faiths show more devotion to their gods and idols than Christians do to our God. It is written: ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God.’ Since this country has turned its back on God, it has been spiraling downward and continues to do so. When the Spirit of God is no longer present, another spirit takes over. Many wicked and evil spirits are now dominating the current social climate in this nation. We are witnessing the results in our government, the POTUS taking the lead. It is no surprise to me what is taking place. A country which forgets (her) God, will ultimately fall. It has happened throughout history. I pray always that our great and merciful God will shed His Grace and mercy on our nation and forgive us all our sin which has reached up to Heaven. I pray He will heal this nation and we will experience spiritual renewal. I pray for a revival; and for Christians all across our country to also pray for our nation.
How exactly is isis going to get across the ocean in mass and invade us?
Austin Glenn Offord they are already coming across the Southern and Northern borders. not to mention they are being let in posing as Syrian refugees.
I don’t understand how this POS can stay out of jail !?!?!? he admits he broke the law and lies, cheated, stole, corrupted, faked everything, and remains in office to destroy America. B******T..
It amazes me how liberal’s continue to compare Trump to$#%&!@*while this guy continues violate the constitution and gets away with it!!!
Well now he can brag about it that’s the news