All but two Democrats have blocked a vote that would have addressed the issue of so-called “sanctuary cities” used by illegal immigrants to hide from immigration authorities. The scheme to aid and abet illegal immigrants in this country will be continued so long as the federal government won’t move on the issue. All the more reason to vote in someone like Donald Trump, who has promised to crack down on illegal immigration in this country.
See who blocked the bill on page 2.
Treason……. Vote them out and prosecute the lot of them.
WHAT SAY YOU, “DIE-HARD DEMOCRATS”??? Before you answer….please remember “KATE STEINLE”!
ARE YOU GETTING TIRED OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND THE WAY THEY ARE INGORING “THE PEOPLE”……………………………………………………………..Wake up America, Obama and his people have long ago DECLARED WAR against the American people and the American way. Its time to arrest, and Charge Obama, his staff, his Cabinet, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Eric Holder and all senior Federal Employees (who have ignored Federal Laws or assisted the Criminal actions of before mentioned) with TREASON, MURDER / GENOCIDE, FRAUD, BRIBERY and OTHERE HIGH CRIMES. Its time that True Law Enforcement Personal to do their Jobs, does not matter if your federal or local, its time to arrest the criminals who have destroyed laws of this land. Our Constitution is something that we live by, and all LEO’s have sworn to uphold and to Protect from all enemies foreign or DOMESTIC. Obama’s actions and lack of enforcement of laws, Close relationships with Terrorist shows enough proof that Mr. Obama and many of his people are DOMESTIC TERRORIST hell bent on destroying the U.S. Constitution and The United States Of America, THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNTIED STATES. Just know I am not a Republican, Democrat, I am an American Veteran that has given half of my body to this country. If you love you life, stop being a shrew and stand up against the illegal actions. SHARE THIS IF YOU AGREE!!!
We, the People, have NO representation in congress. They just follow the leader with NO regards to what the People want.
Let’s send all illegals to these cities.
need to send them all back where they came from and send all the idiots protecting them with them.
Just what we expected
I hope all these scummy illegals there helping move next store to everyone of them that blocked the vote and also hop they live next to there kids and grandkids