Before the results started to roll in from Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucus, most eyes were set on the Republican field, as months of bitter infighting and tightening poll numbers set up what many thought would be one of the tightest, and most interesting caucuses in modern history. What many didn’t expect, however, was that most of the drama would actually come from the Democrats, not the Republicans.
While Ted Cruz was called was called as the winner in a timely manner, the Democrats were still working until late the next morning trying to figure out who won the night.
Hillary was eventually declared the winner by a margin of 0.3%, and Bernie Sanders’ team subsequently called for an audit of the results almost immediately. Such is pretty typical for narrowly lost elections, and as such most initially ignored Team Sanders’ objections. Now, however, news is rolling in that has many question just what, exactly, happened throughout the night that led Hillary Clinton to her eventual win.
In at least one precinct, it looks as if at least one delegate was shifted from Sanders to Clinton without explanation.
Things are beginning to look a bit fishier as we learn more about the late-night workings in Iowa. See the report on the next page:
There is only one last chance to fix what Obama has done to this country. Trump is raising a MEGA-Movement, a counter-revolution, by standing against the Globalist Elite that own both the Republican and Democrat Parties, and own the Media that own all the Spin Doctors like NeoCon Review’s gang of 22, Charles Krauthammer, and Megyn Kelly. He is standing against the establishment that controls the six corporations that own the T.V. and radio media, all of the major news papers, most of the small so-called independent papers, and the 99 percent of the publishing houses. These are the people that also own and control the Federal Reserve and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and Grand Children to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State. From Robert Snowden: This ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda – from the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, UNESCO, USAID, and the Clinton Foundation. Simply put, this is the most important election in our life time.
Kind of funny that democrats are experiencing their own voter fraud…been happening massively in the last 20 years…standard operating procedure according to a democrat polling judge I talked to…
Unworthy to be my president.
Niether make any sense on meet the press.
The only government housing in which Hillary belongs is multi storied and loaded will cell blocks!!!!!
Dems cheat? In elections? Impossible!
Power corrupts……. absolute power….. corrupts absolutely….
aaahhhhh. DEMOCRACY at it’s best…….
Cheating is the DemoRats way!