Former Democratic Congresswoman, Corrine Brown, was found guilty in 18 of the 24 corruption charges leveled against her in court.
Each of those charges carries a possible sentence of 20 years. The charges range from conspiring to commit mail fraud, lying on financial disclosure forms, lying to the IRS, stealing money from a charity claiming to give scholarships to disadvantaged students, and altering information on tax returns.
Most people would likely express guilt or remorse for stealing from kids. But, not Brown. She remained emotionless and stoic as the judge read the verdict. Brown maintains she is guilty of nothing more than “careless bookkeeping.” She describes the court’s verdict and the trial as being a “witch hunt.” It’s interesting to note however that Brown is at least self-aware enough to describe herself as a witch.
And you can’t really blame Brown for being upset she got caught. She created a charity designed to help her and her friends get richer by claiming to care about disadvantaged minority youth. A classic liberal ploy. Most of her friends and fellow party members are doing the same thing. Just look at the Clinton Foundation.
Continue reading on the next page to find out exactly how much money Brown stole from disadvantaged minority children
I like the robin hood angle, but did she really give money to the elite or just keep it for herself?
Herself, staff members, co-organizers of charity and their families. I’d argue that she stole it for herself and those in her circle which by technical definition could be classified as group of elites, even if not elites in the way typically thought of in context of NWO and such. Might be confusing to readers though now that I think about it, although once again technically accurate.
Maybe just do – “Reverse Robin Hood: Dem Rep Corrine Brown Convicted of Stealing from Poor to Enrich Herself”? Or if you’d like something else, just let me know 🙂
How about: Democratic Robin Hood
You should see how abandon is central florida… all that area near the millenia mall.. and this politicians stealing people taxes… we have a lot of beggars in every stop light requesting money for drugs or alcohol and no one does nothing !!!
Gotta love that dumbass look on her face.
like she can’t believe she was caught.
Show her no mercy! Jail her till she rots!
Do she and Maxine Waters EXCHANGE WIGS?? One is as bad as the other. They both looked better on James Brown.
BO: “HEAVY hoodie ho’, dude!”
Now you know how the politicians come into public service dirt poor and become millionaires over a few years. Mystery solved. That and they made it legal for themselves to do insider trading on investments. Can’t forget that one.