Top Democrat for president Hillary Clinton has an honesty and ethics problem. She repeatedly lied about a private server that contained classified material, which has proven to be a total falsehood. She lied about the Clinton Foundation through which various countries and individuals funneled tens of millions of dollars that turned out to enrich Clinton and her family. And in fact, she has a long history of lying, going back to her days as first lady in the White House, and beyond. But perhaps that is not just a personal problem, though it is one that should preclude her from running for president, but it is possible that the entire Democrat party is loaded with liars who just can’t seem to walk the line of honesty.
It is also true of president Barack Obama, who has been so dishonest that the public never even expects him to tell the truth. His whopper about Obamacare that would save every family $2,500 and let them keep their preferred health plan and doctor was so egregious that even empty headed, clueless Millennials, faces glued to their cellphone screens, are finally recognizing that he never intended to keep his promise.
Now we have a new, ironic example of dishonesty from Linda Sanchez, who is the top Democrat on the House Ethics Committee. It is almost amusing, except that it is representative of the rottenness that seems to infest the Democrat party from top to bottom.
Lawsuit against Sanchez on page 2:
Democratic ethics that’s a joke
LMAO….I have yet to clearly identify, is trut and Action politically sponsored by the Republicans? Or do they hold to some other form of political view point they are not discussing ….who knows, maybe they do not believe in Christmas
Ethics democrats ????
A democrat ethics chief is a fantasy position and should be administered from jail!
I would rather have my freedom and the Constitution than be shackled to a government that dictates my every move. The Obama government has been chipping away, at a very fast rate of speed, what the Founding Fathers fought so hard for us to have and the apathy in this country is letting them do it. NOW he has pulled funds allocated for veterans for the imported muslims !! They have stolen the sacred lands of the Indians and sold it to foreigners for profit!! And so it begins with Oregon……And Obama has much to much time to complete his mission to begger the USA. And we will never be able to arrest Obama or Congress for treason as the USA whole government is corrupt. Obama is sneaking in muslims out of Iraq AGAINST the judges orders!! They continue to incite patriotic Americans so they can force us to revolt and then they can declare martial law. Why did the DOJ go to the U.N. and ask for their help if the USA citizens get out of hand, so to speak??? Why did Kerry sign a U.N. agreement to disarm the USA?? Why do you think they have FEMA building (concentration) camps across the USA??? Why is there a huge amount of body bags and coffins being stored in Georgia?? Why has DHS bought over ONE BILLION of illegal ammo??? Why is the Bureau of Reclamation buying thousands of ammo?? Why all the military “exercise” taking place in states and cities and not on military land??? Why is there a shortage of survival foods on the internet as many state “out of stock”? Better start prepping people because it will all boil over before Obama leaves office IF he leaves office. IF this is not his objective but to run for Head of the U.N. then he will have weaken our country that we will not be able to defend ourselves against his agenda of creating a One World Government. Both of these are evil options for the American Patriots to face.
If your are interested in prepping my son has started a FREE website called HOMESTEADPREPPING.COM. It has tons of information that could save you and you family’s lives. His only interest is for people to survive any coming disaster that may happen in the future. It is a totally NON-POLITICAL site.
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It’s past time to clean up criminal actions and powerful liars covering up and creating corruption in our government. How can we say we are a great country to the world when our government leaders are as corrupt as theirs?
Please god let this year move quickly.
She should…just look at those awful eyebrows !
That computes
Democrat and ethics aren’t in the same universe!