Top Democrat for president Hillary Clinton has an honesty and ethics problem. She repeatedly lied about a private server that contained classified material, which has proven to be a total falsehood. She lied about the Clinton Foundation through which various countries and individuals funneled tens of millions of dollars that turned out to enrich Clinton and her family. And in fact, she has a long history of lying, going back to her days as first lady in the White House, and beyond. But perhaps that is not just a personal problem, though it is one that should preclude her from running for president, but it is possible that the entire Democrat party is loaded with liars who just can’t seem to walk the line of honesty.
It is also true of president Barack Obama, who has been so dishonest that the public never even expects him to tell the truth. His whopper about Obamacare that would save every family $2,500 and let them keep their preferred health plan and doctor was so egregious that even empty headed, clueless Millennials, faces glued to their cellphone screens, are finally recognizing that he never intended to keep his promise.
Now we have a new, ironic example of dishonesty from Linda Sanchez, who is the top Democrat on the House Ethics Committee. It is almost amusing, except that it is representative of the rottenness that seems to infest the Democrat party from top to bottom.
Lawsuit against Sanchez on page 2:
no WAY … o wait … yeah, probably
Go Figure!!
Liberals are very unethical
Now that really suprises anyone
They’re all just a bunch of cheaters , liars, tramps and thieves
Agree Sarah Cartier
Since when did a democrat have ethics!
Baaaaa. Ha. Ha.
WOW !! A MUST see movie, If they allow this to air it will be the biggest movie of the year!!
This new movie could be the Movie of the year ! !
Congress is trying to block it!
I’ve been posting the comment below for months now and just found this trailer
A MUST see movie, If they allow this to air it will be the biggest movie of the year!
Congress is trying to block it. This needs to go viral,
(original post.).
It goes even deeper…..European countries being terrorized by Muslim refugees while their leftist/liberal government tells them to be more tolerant and pushes social media sites to “crack down” on post that portray refugees in a negative way. They agreed, while at the same time allows ISIS to use its site to recruit new members.
The UN has a plan for a new world government, and now on the FBI terrorist watch list
” Evangelical Christian Extremist”
The current Obama administration with his sights set on a position in the UN, is creating situations that will cause economic failure, civil unrest and division between the people while at the same time creating an unresolvable debt and flooding the country with problematic “refugees” that will collect government aid and create more civil unrest. When it gets bad enough he can declare a state of emergency, instill Martial law and justify asking the UN forces to step in. When NATO forces are patrolling our streets….