If you’re looking for proof that democrats are crazy, it’s your lucky day! After Pope Francis stood before Congress and gave liberals more fuel for their climate crusade, Representative Bob Brady, a devout Catholic and Democrat from Penn. decided to collect a souvenir from the Pope’s visit, which happened to be his still full glass of water.
He then proceeded to take pictures of himself and his family drinking this water. What was left over, he saved to sprinkle onto his grandchildren. That’s not weird or anything, right?
The Amerinds had a saying, “do not judge a man until you have walked in his moccasins for a mile.” There is an entire column of dissalusion here. How many of you were inside the man’s mind ? Hell, perchance he had been eating fried chicken and needed a finger bowl. Well, i cannot spell to well but i am intelligent enough to recognize the problem with most of you contributors. PURE HATE ! Started immediately after the 2008 election. Now i can imagine the GOP thought process. “Thank God we got our Black !! This will gain us a lot of votes ! OH MY GOD ! What if he wins the nomination ? Oh woe is we, oh woe is we.”
You got all that from a picture? Lol
Does that make it Holy Water or Backwash
Give me a brake ! The Pope is a Mere Man not God !
If I said anything that inferred that Peter or a Pope was equal to Christ I sincerely apologize. I was only reiterating the “Doctrine” and the Papal lineage. The fact is, I think, that many Catholics do worship the pope. Myself, being raised by a Baptist dad and a Pentecostal mom, believe in praying only to God in Christ’s name. Not to a Saint nor to the Virgin Mary. I respect my Catholic friends though. i do not even claim to be a Christian. Rather, as an author Dr. Jesse laird said ” i will not claim that, it would be good if people said that about me”
What a horrible thing to do….really…what is with this world today???
he is going to sell it….
Here Mike use this for those IDIOTS.i got tired of the grammar Nazis,so I use thus now.Feel free ti use it.
Buffoons from Pennsylvania! yuck!