If you’re looking for proof that democrats are crazy, it’s your lucky day! After Pope Francis stood before Congress and gave liberals more fuel for their climate crusade, Representative Bob Brady, a devout Catholic and Democrat from Penn. decided to collect a souvenir from the Pope’s visit, which happened to be his still full glass of water.
He then proceeded to take pictures of himself and his family drinking this water. What was left over, he saved to sprinkle onto his grandchildren. That’s not weird or anything, right?
Typical ignorant democrats.
P**s in it
“Liberalism is a “HUGE” mental illness, & it better be stopped now!
He thinks it will give him absolution for the abortions the good congressman supports. Taking the water is as dishonest as Americans saying taxpayers wont pay for abortions then planed parenthood uses taxpayers money not only too abort baby but to sell the baby’s parts. What part of the law cant u see, no taxpayer dollars will be used for abortions!
Or he was hoping it wasn’t plain water. Too bad
What an idiot, unless he’s checking DNA LMAO
It was more Kool Aid….
When it comes to Catholicism, your site has very little truth, and the only action seems to be the mental masturbation of your invincible ignorance.
Wow. Bear false witness much, bro?
No cfalse witness at all Dude The reporter that seen him do it said thats what he did on the news.P***k.Turn on the News some time.You might learn something instead of sounding like a FOOL.JERK OFF