If you’re looking for proof that democrats are crazy, it’s your lucky day! After Pope Francis stood before Congress and gave liberals more fuel for their climate crusade, Representative Bob Brady, a devout Catholic and Democrat from Penn. decided to collect a souvenir from the Pope’s visit, which happened to be his still full glass of water.
He then proceeded to take pictures of himself and his family drinking this water. What was left over, he saved to sprinkle onto his grandchildren. That’s not weird or anything, right?
Typical Mitrhaist comment
Christopher, I am reasonably well educated but, since i have misplaced my lexicon, i need you to define that word. Don’t know if I were praised or shot down.
like stealing rosary beads? or how about baby Jesus in the manger?
Is it on eBay yet?
Here is one for you Bob Flem WTF
Christopher, I am reasonably well educated but I need a definition or interpretation on that word. Do not know if I were praised or castigated !
From way back when. I like it.
Stacy, believe you are so correct. There is a long, long list of dielusion here! That i can take but so much HATE is hard to abide with !
They steal everthing not nailed down.