The Constitution’s War Powers Clause was recently and quietly being revised by Congress, and may give President Barack Obama broad authority to wage war across the globe without congressional consent.
The bill was proposed by Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and was quickly denounced by Democrat Senator Chris Murphy, who claimed that President’s newfound authority doesn’t stop at the American border. It would allow him to deploy war troops inside the United States, as well.
The bill is an apparent throwback to the era of manifest destiny in the U.S. Undeterred by recent failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, our president and Congress are once again becoming obsessed with policing the entire world by means of the military. This time, however, even American towns are under threat of military takeover.
See how the bill authorizes our president to enact martial law in the United States on the next page:
and these bastard republicans will vote to go along with anything obama and the liberals want, sorry SOB’s!!
Scroll down the page you will see that bill Clinton did this before he is felt office it’s intidation plain and simple
Congress better get off their butts and do something. Elections in November!
That’s exactly part of obama’s plot!
No way would I comply, Obama’s a traitor
They better hope that they weren’t stupid enough to give any President that much authority.
congress should be impeach also washington needs rto clean house everything that don’t work dump it
I think this is already done. Months ago this was being discussed and coming up for a vote and then I heard no more.
seems the lawgivers are headed to Constitutional Revival and their own deaths on the gallows.
All this is on congress. They are just sitting on their butts allowing this to happen. They are worse than idiot Obama.