All the illegal immigrants, which of course include hundreds of thousands of gang members and drug cartel, are the ‘hope and future of our great American nation’, according to CA Democrat Zoe Lofgren.
Seeing how the United States as a republic doesn’t actually exist anymore, surely she meant to say that they are the hope and future of the Democratic party?
Hope and future? Are you effing kidding me? How about our own people being the hope and future you bumbling idiont?
it would take an idiot democrat to make a stupid ass remark like that !
You heard of boo brains get it
If that Is true It’s all the democrats fault, for ruining the USA and It’s future
Illegal aliens are not immigrants. Idiot democruds playing with words to ‘sweeten’ and change the definition of the horrendous situation created by them and their “fearless leader”.
there be Americas downfall not our future lets see what there say about all this in a year wen there be more killings and stuff cant blame this one eighter on bush these liberals are moran the stuff there say
Another Dummycrat dingbat. It’s getting to the point that “Democrat” needs to be considered a mental illness as well
Of Democrats!
At what cost to America?