All the illegal immigrants, which of course include hundreds of thousands of gang members and drug cartel, are the ‘hope and future of our great American nation’, according to CA Democrat Zoe Lofgren.
Seeing how the United States as a republic doesn’t actually exist anymore, surely she meant to say that they are the hope and future of the Democratic party?
they need to send them all to her ca home
What drug is this moron doing?
Our hope and future lays in the voters !
And you are a jackass.
They have done such a job in there want to share with everybody. Ya Right!
When your future DEPENDS on criminals, all IS lost.
Ive been waiting for the hope and change.
What part of legal immigration does she not understand. What does she not understand about the benefits of processing people into our country. Would people who respect our laws somehow be bad for our country? We have illegal immigrants taking welfare. We have our own people in shelters and living on the streets who need a job. We have vets getting poor or no care and being threatened that they could lose their benefits. I’d rather have a new citizen that has a skill that is needed. We have known criminals on our streets as well as our prisons. I’d rather not give these people a chance to rob or physically harm or worse kill our own citizens. We have illegal immigrants who have no intentions of truely become Americans. They actually hate Americans. They think somehow they should be the rightful owners of our land. Maybe they should go home and talk about their own land. Are they themselves Spanish? Didn’t the Spanish Conquistadors invade Mexico and take over their lands? As I understand the evolution of humans we began in Africa. Should we all go back to Africa? I think the hopeful immigrants that come to this country come for a better life. They want to become American. They want to learn the culture and they want to participate in the Dream. Not be taken care of, not to rob, not to further their criminal activities. Our system is not broken, there is nothing wrong with our laws they just need to be inforced. Invaders need to be deported. Take the money we give to these countries and return their citizens. Take the rest and build and secure the borders. Supplying jobs and building communities on our borders. It looks like the only way to clean up this mess is to start with people Zoe Lofgren.
These people are beyond dangerous! These Fools need to be stopped.
Is she crazy? We don’t need these people coming over here with all the deadly diseases they are bringing in with them. Doesn’t that show everyone that they are decreasing our people here. I say send them all back where they came from?