All the illegal immigrants, which of course include hundreds of thousands of gang members and drug cartel, are the ‘hope and future of our great American nation’, according to CA Democrat Zoe Lofgren.
Seeing how the United States as a republic doesn’t actually exist anymore, surely she meant to say that they are the hope and future of the Democratic party?
Crack is alive and well in Ca.
here is another fool that is going to try to take america to hell in a basket
$#%&!@*ing liberals!! What the hell is wrong with these dumbasses!!! Exterminate these stupid mother$#%&!@*ers!!!
The pool of ignorance that is never ending from the Democratic Party is amazing . It’s a good thing that they all gravitate to each other so we know how to keep an eye on all of them together . The asinine thoughts and comments that fall out of their mouths .
No the American people are the future
The Democrats have completely lost touch with reality.
Dems let them in for free welfare then hands them a voting card. That’s how corrupt this country has gotten! Anything for the Dem vote!
USING THEM FOR THE VOTE —- then they won’t help them either
All need to be ousted.