All the illegal immigrants, which of course include hundreds of thousands of gang members and drug cartel, are the ‘hope and future of our great American nation’, according to CA Democrat Zoe Lofgren.
Seeing how the United States as a republic doesn’t actually exist anymore, surely she meant to say that they are the hope and future of the Democratic party?
Glad you think so. You keep all of them in YOUR state.
Excuse me here, I intend to be BRUTELY honest here and very direct. If you have tender ears, stop reading now. What the $#%&!@* is up with the DEMONcrats? They are traitors and backstabbers! Illegals are the ‘hope and future’ of this country? Are you kidding me? What the hell about the generation of kids growing up now……..I’m talking about US citizens, not CRIMINALS like the ILLEGAL aliens are!!! So, the DEMONcrats are just going to throw out the US citizens children to make room for the ILLEGAL aliens? Wake up people!!! You, your children and grandchildren will be paying for this betrayal being perpetrated by the DEMONcrats. The Democratic Party no longer exists, it has been infiltrated by evil vile individuals whom hope to control and dictate to the people of this country even if they have to enslave them. They are now members of the DEMONcrat Party, pure evil.
yeah sure all the diseased criminals gangs drugs the future of our country
What a twit.
we do not need any more drugys or criminals- we have enough citizens who answer those bill.
…and you are a moron.
Hundreds of thousands of gang members and drug cartel?!?! C’mon really.
I hope you Democrats write her name down when you go to vote her out of Politics and as for the Reps remember her in November so we can clean up the voting mess from the left and we will have to vote her out???
You can’t get any dumber than this. What a loon.