Rep. Tim Bishop of New York has a long history of sating too much and getting it wrong.
When Nidal Hassan of perpetrated the shootings at Fort Hood, Tim Bishop said:
Bishop then began his Fort Hood reference by saying, “Let me refer you to the tragedy at Fort Hood. There were an awful lot of really, really good guys with guns at Fort Hood.” But his speech tapered off and the moderator stepped in as the crowd began booing.
What Representative Bishop either omitted or is ignorant of is the fact that soldiers on base are not allowed to carry. They did not “have guns” they were unarmed as is required on military bases.
The Ft. Hood massacre was a gun free zone. Somewhere down a long hall, behind a locked door, is an armory. Not in the mess hall. It may be too much to ask anti-gun zealots to mix in some truth with their anti-gun fictions but they should try it anyway.
More recently, Tim Bishop stated we have ISIS members running around the United States. That’s pretty strange because I thought President Obama declare that ISIS was contained…
See the next page for Tim Bishop’s words on ISIS/ISIL in the US
Jail any official that let themin
Congress (Loaded with moslims )SUCKS as BAD as obummer and changes in Congress NEED to be made. Like ALL of them GONE and REPLACED with people that Care about us and this country. White House (Loaded with moslims) obummer & his moslims & Refugees & ILLEGALS are our BIGGEST Threat ! Anyone that Doesn’t know obummer is a moslim , needs their own Special Jacket and needs to Sleep in a padded room ! obummer ISN’T concerned about protecting the American people , he ONLY cares about his moslims , Refugees and ILLEGALS. obummer is without a DOUBT WORSE then any President we have EVER had or EVER could have . obummers Legacy = obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / moslim TRAITOR in the White House…..SCREW his moslims and him and the ILLEGALS and his Refugees and the Gun Control so his moslims can Take Over !!!
Jett Scheid
When they come dress up like a moor learn a lil arabic hide your guns well ied your hiding areas (moors are known for ieds) youll get to keep your guns by being a f**e moor or a f**e latin american
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Ken Kay is right I believe that to and congres do nothing
To begin colonizing. Why else?
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All I need is a wife to love me, I’ll start recolonization.
Surprise, surprise …Not! Give Obummer a pat on the good ole back..
And We The People Of United States Are Ready To Take These Sandnigger Savage Animals Down