Rep. Tim Bishop of New York has a long history of sating too much and getting it wrong.
When Nidal Hassan of perpetrated the shootings at Fort Hood, Tim Bishop said:
Bishop then began his Fort Hood reference by saying, “Let me refer you to the tragedy at Fort Hood. There were an awful lot of really, really good guys with guns at Fort Hood.” But his speech tapered off and the moderator stepped in as the crowd began booing.
What Representative Bishop either omitted or is ignorant of is the fact that soldiers on base are not allowed to carry. They did not “have guns” they were unarmed as is required on military bases.
The Ft. Hood massacre was a gun free zone. Somewhere down a long hall, behind a locked door, is an armory. Not in the mess hall. It may be too much to ask anti-gun zealots to mix in some truth with their anti-gun fictions but they should try it anyway.
More recently, Tim Bishop stated we have ISIS members running around the United States. That’s pretty strange because I thought President Obama declare that ISIS was contained…
See the next page for Tim Bishop’s words on ISIS/ISIL in the US
well gee, I’m sure glad ISIS is “contained”
That’s why gun sales have surged. Liberals want you to think guns are bad while they send arms to enemies/allies all over the world. I guess they’re only bad back home!
MESSAGE FROM A CONCERNED CITIZEN: “Has everyone lost their ability to see what is happening in the USA? Think America! Before Obama, there was virtually no visible presence of Islam in America. All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. All of a sudden, we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools and businesses. All of a sudden, we must stop serving pork in public places and institutions. All of a sudden, we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by America. (For God’s sake, they are IN America) All of a sudden, we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who is covered up under them. All of a sudden,Muslim training compounds are popping up throughout the USA. All of a sudden, Muslims are suing employers for being expected to do their jobs. All of a sudden, all of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unsupported. All of a sudden, our troops are withdrawn from the middle east. All of a sudden, there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans, but there is endless money for Obama’s refugee programs. All of a sudden, Obama fills the Federal Government with Muslims in key positions. All of a sudden, there is an ammunition shortage in the USA. All of a sudden, Americans are threatened by the Federal government for complaining about Muslims. All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do is disarm American Citizens. Now, why is it so important for Obama to disarm America? Why? Because a disarmed country is ripe for takeover by the Muslim Army that Obama has imported into the United States. Nikita Krueschev, the Russian Dictator who visited the USA in the 1950s said the USA could never be occupied by any army because of it’s citizen Army. Obama knows this fact and is doing everything within his power to disarm our Citizen Army. If Obama can’t do it legally, he will abuse his power and take every gun from Americans because he knows he must do that to turn the USA over to Islam. Be wary and watchful. Obama’s actions speak far beyond his words. Obama won’t even say the words “Islamic Terrorist”, WHY?”.. PLEASE POST ON YOUR PAGES AND PASS THIS MESSAGE TO FRIENDS AND FAMILIES. GOD BLESS AMERICA. LET’S SEE WHAT WE ARE TRULY MADE OF.
where are they! Find them and them in irons with BO and send them all to Gitmo!
Obummer is getting his wish “Change in America”. I only hope that the American Citizens are ready for the change that he has in mind.
Why did the government allow them back in??
government see fokolo.n im telling more shooting n bomb soon wil be had.beside.maybe they come with president private jet.who can suspect that.its politics. trump cn bring them in to put pressure on democrats boosting republican on expense of citizens’s lifes.good play hey
this is jst a bigining
His lying to public again as usual