Dem Texas Rep Introduces Ban on Men Masterbating and Viagra Prescriptions

Texas Rep Jessica Farrar introduced a bill in the Texas House of Representatives on Friday that’d make it illegal for men to masturbate, prescribe Viagra, and subject men to a medically unnecessary hour long rectal exam before an elective vasectomy.

Rep Farrar admits herself that the bill is unlikely to pass but hopes in the future such measures will be passed and remain in place until all abortions are completely unregulated.

And the proposal that men’s masturbation be regulated, with fines for any emissions that are “outside of a woman’s vagina” or not saved for future conception? It’s justified on the grounds of preserving the “sanctity of life.”

Feminist claim to be progressive and angry at men for keeping them chained up to old stereotypes. But what stereotype is older than women being controlling and withholding sex to punish men? Ya know…

And really there are a bunch of young women of childbearing age lining up offering to service men suffering from erectile dysfunction? And if these lovely feminists offered out of the goodness of their big ole hearts, would they be accepted or denied? As if it were the later it might start making sense why these liberal women are feeling so vindictive…

The bill would require a 24-hour waiting period for men’s vasectomies or Viagra prescriptions, just like Texas’ 24-hour waiting period for abortions.

It would also mandate a “medically-unnecessary digital rectal exam and magnetic resonance [imaging] of the rectum” before any elective vasectomy, colonoscopy or Viagra prescription.

O wait, this isn’t really about abortion, this is just about the point, the point of punishing men who have balls and disagree with them. Now you make sense feminists. I completely see now why this measure speaks to abortion legislation.

Texas, like several other states, requires that an ultrasound be performed before any abortion

The suggestion of a digital rectal exam brings to mind transvaginal ultrasounds, in particular — a procedure that was required by one Virginia anti-abortion bill, though not specifically mandated in the law’s final form.

An ultrasound takes a picture of the uterus. The uterus is where the baby is growing. Hence the ultrasound involves the area affected by an abortion.

Rectal exams and anal probes involve your asshole. Erectile Dysfunction involves your penis. A vasectomy involves your testicles. And feminist wonder why more women aren’t doctors… I’m just joking. Of course, we know why. They’re too busy giggling like spoiled little girls writing mean notes to stick it to the boys for beating them in their special little gender equal sporting events where the boys won.

“In proposing a fine for masturbation, Farrar says that if a man’s semen is not used to create a pregnancy, ‘then it’s a waste … because that semen can be used — and is to be used — for creating more human life.’ ”

“Men have to answer for their actions,” Farrar told the paper.

Again do these feminist have a basic understanding of biology? Seriously. If you’re were going to make a facetious argument like this, you’d think they’d at least consult an anatomy book or something first.

You can’t call for a ban on masturbating without calling for a ban on women menstruating. Bare with me as I explain to Rep Farrar how babies are made.

Every month the ovaries release an egg into the uterus. If the woman has unprotected sex during this time and the sperm from a man fertilizes the egg, conception happens. If the egg is not fertilized, then her body rids itself of the egg and the old lining of the uterus during menstruation to prepare to conceive again the next month.

Where is the ban calling for women to start spreading their legs every month in the name of the sanctity of life as an egg ” is to be used — for creating more human life.” Just like Rep Fararr argues in regards to sperm. Men are so misogynistic. If only men had the strength to be feminist and create a bill mandating women have sex every month. But those darn Republican men trying to tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies keeps holding feminism back. You get how ridiculous this is?!

Women might be evil, they might play men for fools, but they’re not stupid. They know damn well that having unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy. Everybody knows that. End of story.

Condoms are available even at most gas stations, at every major supermarket, on Amazon. It is ludicrous to insinuate women are forced to be pregnant because of misogynistic men or women for that matter. And don’t forget that I’m also a woman.

And as a message to my fellow women might I add that it would behoove you to get these two aforementioned facts pounded into your head.

1) You’re not entitled to have dangerous unprotected sex without repercussions.

2) You can’t wail over deadbeat dad’s while supporting measures that prevent men from having any say over whether or not you kill their child on grounds of misogyny.

So, feminist please stop referencing negative stereotypes of women, and killing babies. It doesn’t make us look good. It doesn’t make women look strong.

It makes women look stupid. And that’s the real problem because liberal women want to look stupid. How else are they going to get away with killing their babies in a 1st world country, not taking care of their health or appearance, special treatment, all the jobs, while having a scapegoat for everything wrong in their lives? By making men stop masturbating? Making doctors show probes up their assholes? Men who buy into the feminist agenda are the true idiots and losers of this whole debauched worldview. Get real, men. Stand up for yourselves before you find yourself getting fined for masturbating while you’re liberal feminist wife knits pink hats with her friends. But then again on that note, I’d still gather the only good news in here for the more reckless men is that liberal Texas feminists are apparently prepared to stick to their guns ironically on pretending to not know about condoms…

Source: NPR

Image: Chron



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