If there’s one thing Democrats have lots of, it’s illogical optimism. Despite all the evidence, Democrat Senators like Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are trying to convince people that ObamaCare won’t be a problem. Following Harry Reid’s crazy claims before the Senate today, Senator Schumer said, “Over the next several months, the ACA is going to become less important as a Republican campaign issue because more and more Americans, from young adults all the way up through seniors, are realizing the benefits it has to offer.” Schumer reiterated Harry Reid’s claim that ObamaCare “horror stories” were “untrue”.
Democrats facing re-election in November, particularly those in red-leaning states, are being bombarded with attack ads about the health-care law, both from their opponents and from outside groups like Americans For Prosperity.
Still, freshman Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy said his colleagues should not try to distance themselves from the law.
“I hope Democrats learned from 2010. I think there were a lot of Democrats who tried to pretend that the Affordable Care Act didn’t exist in 2010; they paid a price at the ballot box,” he said.
“You know, there’s no mistaking the fact that the vast majority of Americans do not want the Affordable Care Act repealed, they want it implemented and they want to see it work for them,” he went on. “And so I can’t speak on behalf of my other colleagues, but I think you see a very different way in which Democrats are talking about the act this year compared to 2010. Democrats are proud that they voted for it, there are many that are going to offer and suggest changes, but our effort is trying to make clear that now, four years into implementation, we’re really starting to see in real terms the benefits.”
These people are so out of touch and so far removed from the American people, they have no idea what it is like to struggle under the rules they put on us. Maybe it is time they find out.
Time to vote both of these idiots out!!! If they aren’t up for re-election this year, then there should be recall elections held. WHY do people keep voting these losers back in, time after time?
Vote Them Out; It would be a start to taking our country back /// A step to reinstalling faith, common sense, sanity, and honesty back to Americas government///
sounds like he got bought
are there any of Obama’s “MOUTHPIECES” that know how to tell the TRUTH????? Him and Reid need to go….do they really think the majority of the people are going to believe their politically motivated rhetoric and lies just for the purpose of Obama’s shoving Socialized medicine down everyone’s throats? …particularly after all of the Democrats knowing beforehand it was a lie in order to pass it that you can keep your insurance and current doctor if you like what you have….what a bunch of lying, thieving, unethical and amoral so-called representatives of the people….what a joke…..the evidence is out there, and yet they call all these actual Obama disasters “lies”…which includes doctors, insurance companies and the people they serve….BULL
again,they dont listen to the people.so these two think everything is fine.GOOD keep beliving that and you are gone
more hallucinations, Schumer is good at that
Both are POS
You are a $#%&!@*ing idiot, can’t wait to vote you out….out of touch.