Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) discussed the new ruling granting same-sex marriage in the U.S. on MSNBC’s “Up w/ Steve Kornacki.” She explained that, in her opinion, business owners should not be able to refuse to serve homosexuals on grounds of religious beliefs. Baldwin had a confusing logic to support her notion, though. After all, shouldn’t a business owner’s right to freedom of religion, enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution protect him from being forced to act counter to his faith?
Senator Baldwin had to do some crazy progressive gymnastics to bend her logic to fit, but she came up with an answer:
If the right is not for the individual there is no freedom!
Seems they”re all demented.
Come n try to make me be silent, Im here waiting
How do these brainless people get elected. ???
that face says everything!
The idiots just go along with whatever they say, as they change the story of our past.
it is only there if you are a liberal or illegal.
Then why are they speaking about it?
I will die fight to the death before I am forced to participate in anything against my religious beliefs. ..