There’s something about the words “Hillary Clinton” and “jail time” that’s really soothing to the ears. And the visual it brings of a corrupt old crow sitting behind bars really gives you hope for America’s future. While we’ve been hearing those words quite a bit in the media lately, the past couple of weeks have been relatively silent on the matter.
However, according to reports that came in at the end of January, it would seem that the FBI is ready to indict Hillary, and if it’s recommendation to do so isn’t followed by the United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, the agency’s investigators are planning on blowing the whistle and going public. Ah . . . justice.
Speaking of justice, this case could show exactly what kind of justice system we have. Will Hillary Clinton be held accountable for her actions, as she should? Or will the Obama Administration snuff this flame before it grows? This American ideal that the citizens should be held accountable while politicians get a free pass is tiresome. Who watches the watchmen?
Read what a Washington Times radio host had to say on the next page.
I’ll believe it when it happens.
Please Lynch Is Just Another Obama Flunkie And Congress Needs To Get Her Off The Case…Idict This Woman Comey And Get Her In Jail Where She Belongs Even We Know It…Stop The Coverup…
I will not vote for Hillary if she were running against the Devil himself. And since 3 out 4 US voters dislike her and 2 out of 3 do not trust her, she has no chance of winning that actual election in spite of the fact that she has corrupted every election the DNC has run so far as well as the DNC itself. If she is the candidate, the Democratic party will never survive.,
Believe it when I see it. Should of happened years ago along with Obama.
Believe it when I see it.
Spread the word. If you vote for Hillary you’re voting away our rights. Hillary Clinton saying the Supreme Court is wrong on the second amendment.
And waiting and waiting and…..
Thanks Willis ,but for you to think I’m idiot ,perhaps you look in your own mirror and realize what an idiot looks like as you are to stupid to realize what’s really going on in politics ,cause it’s not what you see or understand ,but it is big business backroom deals and what can I get for this or that ,and money is the key that unlocks the door and politicians are bought and paid for as their goal is money ,not right and wrong ,their are no ethics morals integrity or even a hint of decency ,the corruption in politics is worse then it has ever been ,and offshore accounts are moving a ton of money ,a serious ton of money , I know as my mother was heavily involved in politics and when I tell you I know , I know cause I saw it right in front of my eyes and these people are serious sick . The filth is worse then it’s ever been in the history of government !!!
Start contacting your congresman/woman
Tell them that if they don’t support our nominee mr trump then u will work to vote anyone else in, no matter what their party
My senator, mr Toomey, says he will not support mr trump
He will force me to vote for his democrat opponent even though i disagree with her policies
Just do it already people are sick of hearing about all the horrible stuff she did and getting away with it … Give her death no one has earned it more