Cliven Bundy has been battling the federal government since 1993 to graze his cattle on public land. Now, with the arrest of his son and confiscation of 234 of his cattle, Bundy, joined by protesters, face down 200 armed federal agents.
“I have raised cattle on that land, which is public land for the people of Clark County, all my life. Why I raise cattle there and why I can raise cattle there is because I have preemptive rights,” Bundy asserts.
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has called federal actions ‘intimidation’ and especially blasts the fact that the feds have set up a “First Amendment Zone”, where federal officials have tried to corral people protesting within a certain area, all other areas are “First Amendment Free.”
“Wake up America,” Bailey Bundy Logue told KSL-TV. “Look what our ancestors fought for and we need to stand up for that. We need to realize what’s happening. They are taking everything away from us. This isn’t only about one family. This is about everyone’s family. This is martial law and it’s in America and so what are you going to do to have it stay out of America?”
Reports now coming in from the Guerilla Media Network: The cattle are dying and being slaughtered and buried in the desert by federal Agents… The protesters tried to stop a convoy of trucks and backhoes coming off of the PRIVATE land owned by the Bundy’s, so they could be inspected by a sheriff … The agents then started tazing the protesters and throwing women to the ground … Video will be up soon ….
Unless Bundy has paid for the land, he has NO RIGHTS whatsoever to graze his cattle on it. It is ranchers like him that are complaining about the wild mustangs and causing them to be slaughtered! KEEP HIM & HIS CATTLE ON HIS LAND NOT FREE RANGE!
Why now after 20 some years?
and most likely he and his son are some of the jerks that are also killing off the wolves. Stay off!
Obama will probably get Janet Reno and the BATF like they did in Waco, Texas.
These are some of the people murdered by the BATF invasion of Waco, Texas in February, 1993. Great job, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno!!!
I think myra should have the wolves on her property.
If he’s got 150 acres then why does he need to graze his cattle on oublic land. Why can’t he use his own. If I had 150 acres I surely wouldn’t need to use anyone else’s.
I would take a cow over a wolf anyday. At least a cow supplies food
This is the BATF in action at Waco, Texas.
But just imagine if this was illegal aliens he used them on.
Ohhhh, the liberal uproar there would have been!!!!!
It is sad to see people commenting against Bundey ,for those of you who have not read the entire story ,try to get your head oughtta your rear and understand that this started with several ranchers and little by little the feds bought them out or scared them out then when they couldn’t get mr. Bundey to budge the came up with the frikkin endangered turtle story which is a joke because the turltes actually benefit from the cows manure and grazing which controls brush fires,also the feds are not following federal law they are just doing what they want ,so all you retards wake up and believe what this man is fighting for ,the gooberment is running rampant over your rights and trying to institute Agenda 21!!!!!!!