Arrogant and unfeeling politicians like Germany’s Angela Merkel pretend they they are taking the high road when they invite Muslim refugees in to their respective countries without adequate vetting or ensuring that they are not simply Islamic jihadi seeking to murder Western hosts. But the reality is that Merkel, along with U.S. pols Obama and Clinton, have no fear that “refugees” will make any personal impact on their lives. They are protected and separated, and it is doubtful they will ever even see an immigrant in their own neighborhood.
The frustrating thing is that benevolence has little to do with the open immigration policies. For Merkel, it is a declining national population and the need for workers and the tax dollars that they will generate. So she is willing to sacrifice a few German lives as has happened five times in this month alone if it will keep the human tide coming from the Middle East. For Obama and Clinton it is more about growing the Democrat party and increasing their power by adding numbers of new immigrants that will one day become obedient, slavish Democrats.
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Stupid woman. Must not love her country. Plant more trees.
She must be replaced by someone who is sane & conservative.
This woman is a complete idiot! And so is Hillary! Two of a kind. Muslim lovers. Don’t care about their citizens.
This world is going to hell in a handbasket!!!!!!
Germany always on the wrong side of history!maybe Obama and Hillary will move to Germany
This witch wants her spot in the NWO & she’s allowing all those people to die so she can get it. The country is going to fall.
Hey, deutche git rid of her before youloose your country.
shes a nut just like hillary
This is the brutal idiocy we cannot afford to allow in the Presidency of the US. Dont elect Killery