Arrogant and unfeeling politicians like Germany’s Angela Merkel pretend they they are taking the high road when they invite Muslim refugees in to their respective countries without adequate vetting or ensuring that they are not simply Islamic jihadi seeking to murder Western hosts. But the reality is that Merkel, along with U.S. pols Obama and Clinton, have no fear that “refugees” will make any personal impact on their lives. They are protected and separated, and it is doubtful they will ever even see an immigrant in their own neighborhood.
The frustrating thing is that benevolence has little to do with the open immigration policies. For Merkel, it is a declining national population and the need for workers and the tax dollars that they will generate. So she is willing to sacrifice a few German lives as has happened five times in this month alone if it will keep the human tide coming from the Middle East. For Obama and Clinton it is more about growing the Democrat party and increasing their power by adding numbers of new immigrants that will one day become obedient, slavish Democrats.
Read more on page 2:
The un’s paying her well
She and Hellery would make good cell mates.
Craso Error…!!!
This woman is destroying Germany,because of pc bull…t.Why would a leader of a country put his or her citizens safety in jeopardy? Countries need borders and need to maintain them to prevent the kinds of things that are happening in Europe.
Better get Id of her.
If you recall at the DNC last week, the Khan family was paraded around as being the parents of some “poor fallen US soldier who may have not been in the US if Trump stopped immigration.” Well, it turns out, in true democrat retarded fashion, instead of picking a random, neutral family, they used a family with close ties to Clinton and the administration. This entire Obama administration simply exudes stupidity , once again !———————————————————Khan’s agenda…
“It is obvious that Khan is upset, that a Trump victory will eliminate and destroy decades of hard work to bring in Islamic immigration into the United States which was spearheaded by agents in Saudi Arabia like Khan and Huma Abedin’a father (Sayed Z. Abedin).”
Excerpt: The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back.
Khizr Muazzam Khan specialized in International Trade Law in Saudi Arabia. An interest lawyer for Islamic oil companies Khan wrote a paper, called In Defense of OPEC to defend the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), an intergovernmental oil company consisting of mainly Islamic countries. Kahn is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law. Khan is also co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia).
Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems from his life in Saudi Arabia. During the eighties Kahn wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).” A snapshot of his essay can be seen here:
At the bottom of the page, Kahn shows his appreciation for an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood: “The contribution to this article of S. Ramadan’s writing is greatly acknowledged.” S. Ramadan is Said Ramadan, head of the Islamic Center in Geneva and a major icon of the Muslim Brotherhood.
To understand the inception of Muslim immigration one must study the Muslim Minority Affairs, a paradigm created by Saudi jurisprudence which sparked during the times Khan lived in Saudi Arabia while collaborating with the Saudi kingdom.
It is likely that Khan is a Muslim plant working with the Hillary Clinton campaign, probably for the interest of Muslim oil companies as well as Muslim immigration into the U.S.
Intelius reveals Khizr M. Khan used to work for Hogan & Hartson and Lovells, which has ties to the Clinton Foundation:
“Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show. Robert Kyle, a lobbyist from the firm, has bundled $50,850 for Clinton’s campaign”
“Many lawyers at Hogan Lovells remember the week in 2004 when U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan lost his life to a suicide bomber. Then-Hogan & Hartson attorneys mourned the death because the soldier’s father, Khizr Khan, a Muslim American immigrant, was among their beloved colleagues”
Saudi interests with using Khan to advance Muslim immigration and advance Muslim Sharia is a lengthy subject. And it has ties to Hillary Clinton’s aid Huma Abedin as well. It will take hours of reading just to cover this topic on how it was The House of Saud’s “Muslim Minority Affairs” and the Abedins (Huma Abedin and family) that played a central role in using Muslim immigration to infiltrate the west with Wahhbi agenda. The House of Saud had used Huma’s father Sayed Zaynul Abedin’s work regarding the Muslim Minority Affairs in the West, published in 1998 as part of 29 works to construct a plan to conquer the U.S. with Islam. It is obvious that Khan is upset, that a Trump victory will eliminate and destroy decades of hard work to bring in Islamic immigration into the United States which was spearheaded by agents in Saudi Arabia like Khan and Huma Abedin’a father (Sayed Z. Abedin).
Shoebat . com
sure she dosen’t give a fat rat$#%&!@*about her people,she should come and join OBAMAS$#%&!@*ass..!!!!!
She isn’t dumb, just arrogant and on a mission of genocide under Saul Alinsky, the elite are not picky who dies. Saudi money is more important than American citizens. Holy war on on US soil, 2018
Look at that face, she could pass for Killarys sister. Think about that for one minute. Could she be, look at Germany Killary wants to do the same here. Hmmmm.
She is part of the new world order!