If one thing is certain in this chaotic world, it’s the fact that Iran is not changing it’s attitude towards the US.
This should have been abundantly clear to the Obama administration when it bent over backwards to make it’s “historic” deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, but the president pressed ahead and extended an olive branch to the Iranians. For his troubles, the Iranians effectively snatched the olive branch out of his hands and snapped it in two.
Escalating it’s already provocative behavior, Iran has vowed to speed up it’s missile program after the US delayed levying sanctions against it for conducting missile tests in close proximity to American vessels in the Persian gulf.
The order for the sped-up production comes down from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a so-called “moderate” who pushed hard for the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan of Action, the official name for Obama’s Iran deal.
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I miss having an American president
obama such a$#%&!@*.can’t negotiate anything
Nuke them is a very sure way
And make sure you get the supreme leader
Barry is just taking care of his friends. Nothing new here folks.
Obozo and his senior Iranian born advisor Valerie Jarrett think this is great.
Obama and Kerry are traitors to the American people. and your congressman will do nothing unless there is a overwhelming demand that he either abide by the office of his office or demand that he resign.
bomb iran
Impeach & execute!!!
Obama will do NOTHING to prevent their goal of Nuclear weapons with which to destroy America.
we are now in danger