The Iranians willingness to cite what they believe to be a loophole in the deal reveals that they were acting in bad faith when they agreed to it. Arguing that the deal only covered nuclear weapons, they insist that they still have the right to produce and use ballistic missiles as they see fit, an alarming position given that Iran already has so many missiles that it’s literally impossible to hide them all.
“‘In view of America’s recent hostile steps and the esteemed President (Hassan Rouhani)’s emphasis, we will increase the speed and scope of our missile capabilities,’ Dehqan said, according to state-controlled PressTV.
‘Iran’s missile capabilities have never been the subject of negotiations with the Americans and will never be,’ he added. “Iran’s defense power is a guarantee for security and stability in the region.
The defense minister’s escalatory rhetoric comes following the receipt of a letter by President Hassan Rouhani, who ordered the increase in missile production in response to the U.S. sanctions.
Another Iranian official, Maj Gen Mohsen Rezayee has called for the regime’s defense ministry to ‘boost the range’ of Iranian missiles to about 3,100 miles, according to state-controlled Fars News Agency.
A third Iranian General, Hossein Salami, threatened that Iran has so many missiles that they have trouble finding space for all of the weapons.”
Source: Breitbart
OBAMA is just stupid or he just doesn’t care about America. But either way the new president has to be ready to put or have a plan ready to go, in order to detect Iran and all the terrorist groups. Then work on our economy but first save us.
He only plays stupid to get away with all the things he’s done. He’s not stuapid but evil with an evil agenda to take down America. Life as we know it will not be the same.
Obama should be charged with treason for this Iran deal. We gave them 150 billion dollars.
That’s giving aid to the enemy.
Iran hasn’t been our friend since the shaw in the 70’s
So when is Obama and congress going to jail or trial.
It’s treason.
It’s treason. Giving aid to the enemy.
Obama is a sick man he needs to be taken out of the White House