If one thing is certain in this chaotic world, it’s the fact that Iran is not changing it’s attitude towards the US.
This should have been abundantly clear to the Obama administration when it bent over backwards to make it’s “historic” deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, but the president pressed ahead and extended an olive branch to the Iranians. For his troubles, the Iranians effectively snatched the olive branch out of his hands and snapped it in two.
Escalating it’s already provocative behavior, Iran has vowed to speed up it’s missile program after the US delayed levying sanctions against it for conducting missile tests in close proximity to American vessels in the Persian gulf.
The order for the sped-up production comes down from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a so-called “moderate” who pushed hard for the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan of Action, the official name for Obama’s Iran deal.
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OBAMA is just stupid or he just doesn’t care about America. But either way the new president has to be ready to put or have a plan ready to go, in order to detect Iran and all the terrorist groups. Then work on our economy but first save us.
He only plays stupid to get away with all the things he’s done. He’s not stuapid but evil with an evil agenda to take down America. Life as we know it will not be the same.
Obama should be charged with treason for this Iran deal. We gave them 150 billion dollars.
That’s giving aid to the enemy.
Iran hasn’t been our friend since the shaw in the 70’s
So when is Obama and congress going to jail or trial.
It’s treason.
It’s treason. Giving aid to the enemy.
Obama is a sick man he needs to be taken out of the White House