Sanctuary City policies created an environment where a 5 time deported illegal alien with seven prior felony convictions could walk the streets. But, according to the liberal stationary state enabling lawyers, the policies of President Trump and his administration are what everyone should actually be focusing on in connection with the murder of Katie Steinle.
Which is surprising considering back when it happened Barack H. Obama was actually President.
As ICE stated back in early 2015, they had been pleading with local San Francisco law enforcement to turn criminal Mexican illegal alien, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, over to ICE and federal law enforcement when he was briefly incarcerated in March 2015th. San Francisco law enforcement refused, citing “sanctuary city” policy.
By July 2015 it was too late, to save the life of 32-year-old California native Kate Steinle as she walked along the pier with her father.
Zarate “accidentally” shot her in broad daylight with a gun he claimed to have just “found”. And according to Zarate’s scumbag excuse of a leftist Californian lawyer who successfully allowed him to walk away scot-free from the murder trials, it is President Trump who should be ashamed of himself.
Continue to the next page to the trial layer’s explosive remarks on why President Trump is more of a criminal than Zarate
These assholes are no different than Dayton. What ever happened to the Muslim cop who killed the gal in Minneapolis who was reporting a crime ? That got swept under the rug too didn’t it ?
Under investigation for a phony collusion charge. The real collusion was between Hillary and Russia. Assholes.
The “investigation” is a front and illegitimate. Its a distraction for all those sealed indictments that are presently being served as a result of the real investigations going on right now. These dirty lawyers should be investigated and sued for malpractice and stripped of their liscence to practice against our laws.
The layer stood right there and lied aboyt Trump and others. Not much of a lawyer. Wonder how many of taxpayer dollars paid him to get the criminal off?
Did he make this statement before or after the DOJ issued an arrest Warrant for the man that he freed? And to be perfectly clear President Trump is not under any Investigation to date. President Trumps Lawyer Jay Sekulow stated many times that he wasn’t under an Investigation and never has been.
Are you assoles satisfied for what happened to this beautiful young woman?
Don’t let this “win” go to your head
So tough! And empty in threats. California is Broke! They don’t have the money on a credit card! So stop glaring and set back down in your brokass offices.
And you let murderers go free paid off jerks