Imagine a situation where your insurance company offers to fund your physician-assisted suicide, but not the medicine to treat your disease. Only it’s not in your imagination, it’s for real. It’s a terribly disturbing story, and one that ought to strike fear into any American.
It’s probably not a surprise that such a story comes out of California. But it should be a concern for not only Californians, but the citizens of any state that might be considering legalizing doctor-assisted suicide. What such legislation can eventuate in will make your hair stand on end.
More on this disturbing news and what it portends is on page two.
No – Hillary does NOT have my vote!
It’s about JOBS!!! And if or when you lose your job, good luck to you and your family finding another JOB in the future if Hillary is elected!
And regardless of what degree you or your kids have, it won’t help much when Hillary raises taxes on business (as if they don’t need more incentive to flee America!) – coupled with Hillary wanting to bring more, millions more, people into America to compete for fewer jobs! – that spells disaster!
It’s About AMERICA!!! Trump is ALL about AMERICA!!!
Hillary is ALL about CORRUPTION!!!
Nuff said!!!
GOD saving the Best for last… It coming.
Liberals want to rid themselves of the “unfit” through abortion, euthanasia….if we won’t volunteer, they’ll make us comply by not giving medical treatment…
Read the comments below.
Hillarys world! Everyone who votes for her will be responsible for this action!
Hospice are death camps that exist today.
All Hillary is trying to do is create another Germany she wants to put us all in in camps why do you think they built so many FEMA camps for no reason
After the election its.going to be like a lottery .old white men are going down
In 2008 Sarah Palin was right.