Entrepreneurship, of which job growth is completely dependent, is at the lowest point in the US in the last 30 years. U.S. businesses are collapsing faster than new ones are being formed, according to a new report by the Brookings Institution.
To say that it’s harder to start a small business these days is an understatement, with all the taxation, regulations and the continued decrease of available financing.
This is just one part in a larger picture of how America is being destroyed, however.
Good by America .
how pretty f***ing sad
fight back slowly and methodically, if it’s made in china do not buy it, made in mexico, do not buy it.. Those two countries you should absolutely boycott at all costs unless it is an absolute must have. Look for things made in america. I bought a shirt the other day for $22 because it was made in america, only wore it once so far.
kahudes.net gold soon for HUMANITY
Defacing the US flag is against the law!
Communism is never friendly to small business. The end of Free America is at hand.
with the government we have now…I wish i could disagree with MR. Baumgarten, but i can’t. if we don’t change our government back to a pro business for our country, this country will no longer be.
It’s our king Obama
Down fall has begun big government to blame and our president made it go faster
Thanks to Obama sign my petition to impeach the scum $#%&!@* Muslim liar Obama http://www.thepetitionsite.com/860/901/608/demand-the-impeachment-of-the-president-of-the-united-states/