Entrepreneurship, of which job growth is completely dependent, is at the lowest point in the US in the last 30 years. U.S. businesses are collapsing faster than new ones are being formed, according to a new report by the Brookings Institution.
To say that it’s harder to start a small business these days is an understatement, with all the taxation, regulations and the continued decrease of available financing.
This is just one part in a larger picture of how America is being destroyed, however.
Clarence: i am European, Thx for confirming a cliche on hillbilly arguementation 😀 nothing but hot Air 😀
guess I’ll just have to take my screen printing equipment go find another country to live in
Lock ‘n’ load!
Not hillbillies, just commie retards
We need someone not in office help us get out of this facist state!
Gent? European?! Muzzie up! You’ve got nothing to brag about there!
This is true then and now pay attention.Look at Cuba for the Utopia results .
The fact that Americans would rather settle on working for someone else for pennies with a boss rather than gamble and open a business is simple fear…
Look at real countries like Germany Norway Austria not one that has had the US trying to cut it off from the rest of the world for 40 yrs