Entrepreneurship, of which job growth is completely dependent, is at the lowest point in the US in the last 30 years. U.S. businesses are collapsing faster than new ones are being formed, according to a new report by the Brookings Institution.
To say that it’s harder to start a small business these days is an understatement, with all the taxation, regulations and the continued decrease of available financing.
This is just one part in a larger picture of how America is being destroyed, however.
so sorry for my once great country pre obimbo
Political people go to college to learn how to be crooked. Their goal is to work for a rich guy! NOT HELP AMERICA! Grow up People! It is their game and we are just slaves and cash cows for REALLY BIG BUISNESS!
This started 30 years ago. Blaming one president is a cop out.
obama islamic quran pig gay fg
Didn’t I read that impeachment papers were delivered to congress today?
You are what is wrong with this country. Propaganda hogwash. Funny how the antonym of Progressive is Conservative
Very few ppl understand that !
You all need to learn the difference between communism and fascism.
we have the people to stop it all we have to do is DO IT