One only has to consider the large number of highly suspicious deaths surrounding scientists, bankers and journalists to feel that something strange is afoot.
A Denver banker that supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, the infectious disease scientist who was stabbed 196 times, 3 investigative journalists who all work in explosive areas die within 24 hours…the list goes on and on.
Statistically, it makes no sense…unless it was all intended…
Is that why I’ve seen this story promoted on Facebook for about the past 8 months, at least once or twice a week?
Looks like they got to you too, Jake.
I’m screwed, I know about it now.
Oh look, it’s the tin foil hat club meeting!
So if you’re a scientist, you are not allowed to die mysteriously. And these deaths span more than 20 years. There’s literally nothing to this story.
A neighbor’s dog just barked out the exact Morse code sequence for ‘WAKE UP’! I think they are part of this conspiracy too!
^^^all idiots^^^^
Who says you can’t take it with you??
I would guess in 5 to 6 days you see more,and more come to light.Once all the books are gone over,and trust me they will.They tried to start a race war,didn’t work,that would of hid their lies.The government can’t keep hiding any more.So if have not notice the black people are coming together,and now the Mexicans people have come to life.Even the south for first time is noticing the change.I know right now their money flow has stop.Cut the blood line kill the system.I said Trump would p**s off the mexicon they laugh at me did they not.Well I don’t have 300,000 mexicons gunning for me.He even has the mob mad at him they are a big chunk of their money.
It’s the Rothschild’s I am tellin ya. You think the Waltons or the Koch boys are wealthy. The Rothschild’s in some estimates are close to a TRILLION. Smaller estimates are in the 350 billion.